Continuing Professional Development
The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme aims to provide teachers and leaders with access to high quality training courses
Register early career teachers
How we want to improve and rebuild the digital services that facilitate the early career framework (ECF) policy reforms.
- Deciding what to build for the initial release of ECF 2
- Designing the database first
- The process behind our problem prioritisation and ideation workshops
- Exploring using DfE sign-in for accessing the service
- Allowing multiple accounts for schools
- Naming the 'Register early career teachers' service
- Asking schools for an ECT or mentor’s lead provider and delivery partner
- Assigning mentors through the ECT record
- Improving how we gather an ECT or mentor’s name
- Asking for an ECT's start date
- Default choices for the add an ECT journey
- No longer storing date of birth for ECTs and mentors
Manage training for early career teachers
Setup, manage and run training for early career teachers (ECTs)
- Service May 2021
- Nominating a School’s induction tutor
- Resend the school’s “nominate an induction tutor” email
- Notifying a new school induction tutor and first sign in
- A school chooses how they want to run inductions for a cohort
- A school preparing to use an approved training provider (or the FIP)
- Notify a school that they've been recruited by a provider, and report if it's incorrect
- A school preparing to use the DfE accredited materials (or the CIP)
- A school viewing and managing participants in a cohort
- A school adding participants to a cohort
- Service as of November 2021
- Managing multiple intakes in the same year
- Iterations to eligibility checks
- SITs can enter validation information for ECTs and mentors
- Core Induction Programme deep dive
- Service access
- Facilitating participants moving schools during their induction
- Refactoring our data model to facilitate changes in circumstances
- Re-nomination journey
- New manage training dashboard and review app
- Second iteration of the new manage training dashboard
- Temporary Cohorts for ECTs and Mentors
- Supporting Schools in LP-DP Transition
- Filtering early career teachers
- Sorting teachers by their induction start date
- Emailing users who try to sign in with an unregistered email
- Changing how induction tutors can add themselves as a mentor
- Exploring how schools tell us when a teacher has left
- Making it easier for users to contact support
- Email scheduling in the admin console
- Assigning an early career teacher to a mentor
- Mentor training status
- Splitting ECTs and mentors into separate lists
- Filter school list for user research extracts
- Redesigning support forms
- Improving accuracy when collecting information about an appropriate body
Register for an NPQ
Register to study for an NPQ or the Early Headship Coaching Offer for new headteachers
- DfE first registration v1
- NPQ registration. Provider First v1
- DfE first registration v2
- Full registration v1
- Full registration task list
- GDS guidance v1
- DfE guidance v1
- Smart answers guidance v1
- Service as it looked 9 September 2021
- Additional support offer (ASO)
- Additional Support Offer (ASO) – Iteration
- International and non-teacher journeys
- Playback answers on validation
- Removing the name change flow
- Add country to international journey
- Decoupling international and non-teacher journeys
- Journey for users who do not work in a school
- Journey for users who’ve registered before
- Journey for users who’ve registered before (Iteration)
- Temporary closure of registration service
- Service changes June 2022
- New registration journey for early years and childcare professionals
- Funded and non-funded messages
- Iterating the journey for those who don’t work in a school or early years
- NPQ funding eligibility checks
- Journey for independent schools with free early years provision
- Iterating the page "Where do you work?"
- Edit the choose an NPQ page
- Teaching School Hub (TSH) finder
- Registration status
- Change course - registration status
- Change provider - registration status
- Change work details - registration status
- Start and confirmation page changes
- Registration details – updates
- Single registration process
- Register for another NPQ – improving signposting
- Autumn 2024 – Capping the number of funded places
- Autumn 2024 – Partial closure of the registration service
- Autumn 2024 – Introducing the special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) NPQ
- Autumn 2024 – Reducing registrations that need to be manual reviewed
- Autumn 2024 – Changes to eligibility
- Autumn 2024 changes
- Making the NPQ service standalone
Lead provider, delivery partner, and appropriate body services
The API and UI services used to manage the delivery of training
- Notifying a new Lead Provider and sign in (ECF only)
- A Lead Provider viewing and managing their schools (ECF only)
- Lead provider confirming the schools they've recruited (ECF only)
- Notifying a Lead Provider that a school has reported a mistake (ECF only)
- Lead provider and Manage contracts – November 2021
- Improving API guidance for lead providers
Support services
Enables DfE admin and finance users to support ECF and NPQ services
- Admin journeys for adding users, induction tutors
- Admin journeys as of November 2021
- Allow support agents to change a school’s lead provider
- Mobile optimisation for financial statements
- Include targeted delivery funding on NPQ financial statements
- Allow admins to change an NPQ participant’s lead provider
- Improve cross-site admin navigation
Support for early career teachers
Training materials for early career teachers and their mentors.