
  1. Autumn 2024 changes

    For the Autumn 2024 recruitment cycle a lot of changes were made across the service. This post summarises the changes and links to detailed posts.

  2. Autumn 2024 – Changes to eligibility

    There were a number of changes to eligibility, which required changes to the registration service to ensure users received the correct funding outcome.

  3. Autumn 2024 – Reducing registrations that need to be manual reviewed

    To save policy time were certain registration types that could now receive their funding outcome within the service.

  4. Autumn 2024 – Introducing the special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) NPQ

    Addition of a new NPQ to the service, including questions specific to this course.

  5. Autumn 2024 – Partial closure of the registration service

    A closed state of the service where users could still access past registrations and sign up for email alerts about registration reopening.

  6. Autumn 2024 – Capping the number of funded places

    Designing processes to monitor and cap the number of funded scholarship places paid per recruitment cycle.

  7. Register for another NPQ – improving signposting

    Changes made after receiving support requests from users struggling to register for another NPQ, who have previously registered.

  8. Single registration process

    Discovery project exploring the possibility of combining the DfE registration form and provider application forms into a single registration process.

  9. Registration details – updates

    Changes made after the first round of user research.

  10. Start and confirmation page changes

    Updates from usability testing.

  11. Change work details - registration status

    Journey for users who have registered for an NPQ and need to change their work details.

  12. Change provider - registration status

    Journey for users who have registered for an NPQ and want to change their provider.

  13. Change course - registration status

    Journey for users who have registered for an NPQ and want to change their course.

  14. Registration status

    Landing page for users who have registered for an NPQ and return to the service.

  15. Teaching School Hub (TSH) finder

    New feature to allow teachers to find a teaching school hub near them

  16. Edit the choose an NPQ page

    Make it easier to spot NPQs in a list, and draw out important information about the early headship coaching offer.

  17. Iterating the page “Where do you work?”

    Updates to the page to simplify the selection of the work location

  18. Journey for independent schools with free early years provision

  19. NPQ funding eligibility checks

    Documentation on how we determine eligibility for NPQ funding, how a TRN fits in and providers contractual obligations to check eligibility post registration

  20. Iterating the journey for those who don’t work in a school or early years

    Updates to the journey which enables some non-school users to receive funding for an NPQ

  21. Funded and non-funded messages

    Updates to the existing funded message and adding non funded messages (including those who have already received funding)

  22. New registration journey for early years and childcare professionals

    New pages and flow that allows early years and childcare professionals to register for the NPQEYL

  23. Service changes June 2022

    Changes to the service when it launched in June 2022

  24. Temporary closure of registration service

    How the service will look during soft close and hard close of registration until it reopens later this year

  25. Journey for users who’ve registered before (Iteration)

    Keep the registration journey very similar, but lock down identity information

  26. Journey for users who’ve registered before

    Stops users from changing their details on a subsequent registration

  27. Journey for users who do not work in a school

    An iteration of our original non-teacher journey

  28. Decoupling international and non-teacher journeys

    Avoid the complexity of non-teacher to ship international

  29. Add country to international journey

    Ask users which country they teach in

  30. Removing the name change flow

    It’s being replaced with contextual guidance

  31. Playback answers on validation

    Help users recover from mistakes

  32. International and non-teacher journeys

    Allow more types of user to register for an NPQ

  33. Additional Support Offer (ASO) – Iteration

    Changes to the initial ASO journey

  34. Additional support offer (ASO)

    Initial designs for including the ASO option

  35. Service as it looked 9 September 2021

    A snapshot of the live service as it was

  36. Smart answers guidance v1

    Smart answers type pattern to test whether a questions and answers style process will help users understand NPQ

  37. DfE guidance v1

    Guidance using an accordion pattern. Could be hosted on NPQ service

  38. GDS guidance v1

    GDS style guidance for the beginning of the NPQ journey

  39. Full registration task list

    Task list style full registration journey

  40. Full registration v1

    First draft of the full registration journey taking place on the NPQ service

  41. DfE first registration v2

  42. NPQ registration. Provider First v1

    First draft sketches for registration journeys

  43. DfE first registration v1

    First draft sketches for DfE registration journeys