Admin journeys as of November 2021

How the following journeys looked in the service in November 2021:

  • viewing the schools list and cohorts
  • adding an induction tutor to a school
  • viewing participants
  • viewing NQT+1 and adding NQT+1
  • adding admin users
  • challenging partnerships
  • changing course materials
  • changing school programme

School participants index

Screenshot of School participants index

User managing participants: Viewing a list of participants

Screenshot of User managing participants: Viewing a list of participants

User managing schools: Viewing a list of schools

Screenshot of User managing schools: Viewing a list of schools

User managing schools: Viewing a school’s cohorts

Screenshot of User managing schools: Viewing a school’s cohorts

View participant

Screenshot of View participant

Delete participant

Screenshot of Delete participant

Delete participant success

Screenshot of Delete participant success

NQT+1 listing

Screenshot of NQT+1 listing

Add new NQT+1

Screenshot of Add new NQT+1

NPQ participant admin: Empty identity validation

Screenshot of NPQ participant admin: Empty identity validation

NPQ participant admin: Profile

Screenshot of NPQ participant admin: Profile

New delivery partner index

Screenshot of New delivery partner index

New delivery partner review

Screenshot of New delivery partner review

New lead provider user details

Screenshot of New lead provider user details

New lead provider user

Screenshot of New lead provider user

New lead provider user review

Screenshot of New lead provider user review

Choose replace or update induction tutor

Screenshot of Choose replace or update induction tutor

Add induction coordinator

Screenshot of Add induction coordinator

Add induction coordinator – name different

Screenshot of Add induction coordinator – name different

Update induction tutor

Screenshot of Update induction tutor

Challenge partnership – Report that school has been set up incorrectly

Screenshot of Challenge partnership – Report that school has been set up incorrectly

Challenge partnership – Confirm challenge

Screenshot of Challenge partnership – Confirm challenge

Change materials – Change course for school

Screenshot of Change materials – Change course for school

Change materials – Confirm change

Screenshot of Change materials – Confirm change

Choose programme – Change induction programme

Screenshot of Choose programme – Change induction programme

Choose programme – Confirm change

Screenshot of Choose programme – Confirm change

Choose delivery partner cohorts

Screenshot of Choose delivery partner cohorts

Choose new delivery partner: Name

Screenshot of Choose new delivery partner: Name

Choose new delivery partner: Lead providers

Screenshot of Choose new delivery partner: Lead providers

Delivery partner: Delete

Screenshot of Delivery partner: Delete

Delivery partner: Edit

Screenshot of Delivery partner: Edit

Lead provider: Users

Screenshot of Lead provider: Users

Lead provider: Delete user

Screenshot of Lead provider: Delete user

Add a new admin user

Screenshot of Add a new admin user

Confirm new admin user

Screenshot of Confirm new admin user

Edit admin

Screenshot of Edit admin

Delete admin

Screenshot of Delete admin