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Temporary closure of registration service

To ensure fairness towards the new providers awarded contracts in Spring, the NPQ registration will temporarily close. Whilst it is closed, we want to capture any user who is interested in taking an NPQ, so that we can notify them when registration reopens.

There are two states:

Before March 11th
There is a soft closure, where delayed registrations for users taking an NPQ in February can still be completed. Users who do not have a delayed registration and will be part of the Autumn cohort, will have the option to sign up for notifications.

After March 11th
Registration will be fully closed and users visiting the service will have the option to sign up for notifications.

Before March 11th - Start page

Screenshot of Before March 11th - Start page

Before March 11th - Have you agreed a place with a provider? (delayed registration)

Screenshot of Before March 11th - Have you agreed a place with a provider? (delayed registration)

Before March 11th - Sign up to an alert

Screenshot of Before March 11th - Sign up to an alert

Before March 11th - Confirmed, yes to an alert

Screenshot of Before March 11th - Confirmed, yes to an alert

Before March 11th - Confirmed, no to an alert

Screenshot of Before March 11th - Confirmed, no to an alert

After March 11th - Start page

Screenshot of After March 11th - Start page

After March 11th - Email capture

Screenshot of After March 11th - Email capture

After March 11th - Alert confirmed

Screenshot of After March 11th - Alert confirmed