DfE first registration v1

This is the first sketch of a registration journey option that starts with the DfE, users enter their TRN details, create an account and then are handed over to the relevant provider.

User needs

As a teacher
I need to register interest and apply for an NPQ course at my chosen provider

As a teacher
I need to provide the correct data about myself in the application form (TRN, DOB, Names)


Screenshot of Start

Teacher reference number check

Screenshot of Teacher reference number check

The big issue we identified from UR is that many users don’t know or have access to their TRN number. We caught this right at the start of the journey to ensure users didn’t get part way through and get into difficulties because it didn’t exist

Teacher reference number reminder

Screenshot of Teacher reference number reminder

If users selected no on the previous screen, they will be taken here which gives them more help to find it or request a reminder

Qualified teacher check

Screenshot of Qualified teacher check

Users had been set up for this by the previous screens, however they didn’t read the hint text under the name which could cause issues later.

Your details

Screenshot of Your details

This is asking for the name again, because the previous screen needs the name on the DQT, not necessarily the name you want to be registered with.

Choose a password

Screenshot of Choose a password

Confirm email

Screenshot of Confirm email

Email confirmation

Screenshot of Email confirmation


Screenshot of Funding

We are using this page to try and figure out the level of understanding the users have about funding and scholarships

Choose a provider

Screenshot of Choose a provider

Check your details

Screenshot of Check your details

Account created on DfE

Screenshot of Account created on DfE

This page isn’t quite right. Although the process has finished on DfE, in this version the user has to go to the provider site to finish. We were concerned that they might not realise if we use this pattern.


This is the first iteration of this journey